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   Reflex cameras are universal in use, providing for various types of shooting in combination with interchangeable lenses and teleconverters. They can also be used for photographic coping and macro shooting - with help of special accessories. Very popular with amateurs and professional photographers alike. The camera customer qualities may be defined in many respects by use of interchangeable lenses.
  Different lenses may be used for different kinds of photography: wide-angle, ordinary and long-focusing lenses with an instant-return-mirror finder.

Zenit122,  Zenit12ХР, Zenit312М A succesive improving of optics: increase of light-power and resolution, use of multi antiglare coating, lenses with variable focal length as well as lenses for macrophotography - lets satisfy needs of photoamateurs and professional photographers.
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  ZENIT-122 (ZENIT-21XS) - is a 35 mm. reflex camera intended for taking various pictures on black-and-white and colour films. It can be used for special kinds of photography, such as coping, taking close-up pictures of small-size objects at short distances (ultra-close-up photography), taking pictures with the help of a microscope (photomicrography), etc. The camera accepts interchargeable lenses with M42x1 screw fittings and mechanical back focal distance of 45.5 mm.

Zenit 122

Frame size, mm: 24х36
Type of film: 35 mm perforated
Film length, m: 1.65
Number of frames: 36
Shutter speeds, s: 1/30 - 1/500 "В"-by hand and long exposure
Standard lens: МС Helios-44М5
МС Helios-44М6
МС Helios-77М4
Focal length, mm. 58 52
Maximum relative aperture: 1:2 1:1.8
Aperture scale: 2 - 16 1.8 - 16
Distance scale, m: 0.5 to infinity 0.45 to infinity
Lens mounting thread: М42х1
Overall dimensions: 142х97х99
Power supply: from two batteries of Mallory D386, Seiko SB-В8, СЦ-32, МЦ 0.105, БЛИК-1
Mass, kg: 0.82

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Zenit 312M

Frame size, mm: 24x36
Type of film: 35-mm, perforated
Length of a film in the cartridge, m: 1.65
Number of the frames: 36
Shutter speeds, s: From 1/30 up to 1/500, "B" (by hand) and long
Mounting thread lens/chamber: М 42x1
Mounting dimensions  
For light filter: М 52x0,75
For blend, mm (except for "MC Zenitar-M "2/50/, MC Zenitar-М-2 " 2/50 and " MC Zenitar-M2c" 2/50): D54
Field view of the view-finder, mm: 20x28
Magnification of an eyepiece, times: 4.3
Working distance of the chamber, mm: 45.5
Mounting dimensions for stage: 1/4"
Overall dimensions of the device without a case, mm: 143.7х97х115
Voltage supply, V: 3 (2x1.5)
Type of power supply: by two elements Mellory D386, Seiko SB-B8, СЦ-32, МЦ0.105, 1 element БЛИК-1
Weight, kg: 0.82

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Zenit 412DX

35 mm SLR Mechanical Camera with Automatic Film Speed Setting According to DX-Code.
Frame size, mm: 24x36
Type of film: 35-mm, perforated
Length of a film in the cartridge, m: 1.65
Number of the frames: 36
Shutter speeds, s: From 1/30 up to 1/500, "B" (by hand) and long
Mounting thread lens/chamber: М 42x1
Mounting dimensions  
For light filter: М 46x0,75
Field view of the view-finder, mm: 20x28
Magnification of an eyepiece, times: 4.3
Working distance of the chamber, mm: 45.5
Mounting dimensions for stage: 1/4"
Overall dimensions of the device without a case, mm: 143x100х106
Voltage supply, V: 3 (2x1.5)
Type of power supply: by two elements Mellory D386, Seiko SB-B8, СЦ-32, МЦ0.105, 1 element БЛИК-1
Weight, kg: 0.82

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 Horizon-202 is a special hi-guilty photo camera with a rotation lens, intended for various wide-angle shooting: reports, landscape, sport, tourism, architecture, fashion and other.

Horizon-202 is as a professional as an amateur camera for colour, black and white films. It includes a holder and light filters.

Horizon 202

Frame size, mm: 24х58
Type of film: 35-mm perforated
Film length, m: 1.65
Number of frames: 22
Shutter speeds, s: 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/60, 1/125, 1/250
Eyepiece magnification, times: 0.4
Linear field of viewfinder image, degree: 110х44
Standard lens: МС 2.8/28
Focal length, mm: 28
Relative aperture : 1:2.8
Field view, degree: 120х45
Lens mounting thread: 1/4"
Overall dimensions, mm: 117.5х146х73
Mass, kg: 0.7 

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Type 35-mm the compact camera with motor drive and fixed shutter speed and correction of effect " a red eye "
The size of the film 24x36 of mm (standard 35-mm a film)
Lens 35-mm lens, three elements in three groups
Focusing Fixed (oeen-focus,)
Rewind of a film The film automatically moves on one staff
Return rewind Occurs automatically from the switch of return rewind
Input of sensitivity of a film Automatic for films ISO 100, 400 with a code DX;

For films without a code DX the sensitivity ISO 100 is entered

Shutter speed 1/140 s
Lamp - flare Three modes: automatic inclusion, mode of illumination, mode of switching-off; time of a charge about 6 s
Service life of batteries ~ 24 cartridges till 24 staff at inclusion of a lamp - flare in 50 % of expositions
The power supply Two 1,5 In alkaline batteries АА
The sizes 127x73x47 of mm
Weight 225 g (without batteries)

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Type 35-mm the compact camera with motor drive and fixed shutter speed and correction of effect " a red eye "
The size of the film 24x36 of mm (standard 35-mm a film)
Lens 35-mm lens, three elements in three groups
Focusing Fixed (oeen-focus,)
Rewind of a film The film automatically moves on one staff
Return rewind Occurs automatically from the switch of return rewind
Input of sensitivity of a film Automatic for films ISO 100, 400 with a code DX;

For films without a code DX the sensitivity ISO 100 is entered

Shutter speed 1/140 s
Lamp - flare Three modes: automatic inclusion, mode of illumination, mode of switching-off; time of a charge about 6 s
Service life of batteries ~ 24 cartridges till 24 staff at inclusion of a lamp - flare in 50 % of expositions
The power supply Two 1,5 In alkaline batteries АА
The sizes 117x69x47 of mm
Weight 165 g (without batteries)

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Type of the chamber 35-mm the compact camera with autofocusing, correction of effect " a red eye "
The size of the film 24x36 of mm (standard 35-mm a film)
Lens 35-mm lens F/4,5; three elements in three groups
Фокусировка Active autofocusing system  (1,5 mi - inf); the blocking autofocusing is possible at configuration of the staff
Progress of a film The film automatically moves on one staff after shutter release
Return rewind of a film Occurs automatically from the switch of return rewind
Input of sensitivity of a film Automatic for films ISO 100, 400 with a code DX;

For films without a code DX the sensitivity ISO 100 is entered

Shutter speed 1/140 s
The built - in lamp - flare Three modes: automatic inclusion, mode of illumination, mode of switching-off; time of a charge about 6 s
The indicator of a level of light exposure ON/EV 11x1; IFF/EV12x1
Automatic switching-off 120 s after shutter release
Service life of batteries ~ 24 cartridges till 24 staff at use of a lamp - flare in 50 % of expositions
The power supply Two 1,5 In alkaline batteries of a type АА
The sizes 117x69x47 of mm
Weight 175g (without batteries)

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Type 35-mm the compact camera with motor drive automatic focus and exposure and return rewind of a film
Format of the film 24x36 of mm
Lens 30-mm lens, three elements in three groups
Focusing system Automatic focusing (from 1,2 м up to inf)
Charge of a film Automatic charge of a film
Rewind of a film Automatic rewind on 1 staff
Return rewind Automatic return rewind
Input of sensitivity of a film On-off (ISO 100/200 or 400)
Shutter Program electronic shutter with speed of 1/60 - 1/250 s.
Lamp - flare Two modes: automatic inclusion and mode of illumination
Auto release Electronic auto release with a delay 10 s.
The liquid crystal display  
The power supply Two 1,5 In alkaline batteries of a type АА
The sizes 117x71x42 of mm
Weight 185 g (without batteries)

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